Head for the hills! And DON’T. STOP. RUNNING. At least, that’s what we’d recommend during a zombie invasion if you haven’t been to the Fear The Walking Dead Survival attraction.
Inspired by AMC’s “Fear the Walking Dead” TV show, this fully immersive experience will literally scare the bajeezus out of you. But, the way we see it, we’d rather have to buy a new pair of undies than have our brains munched on by some zombies.
So grab a partner or round up your squad, because this is one of those rare training sessions that (unlike those snoozefest safety videos at work) are actually worth your attention. At Fear The Walking Dead Survival you’ll learn how to escape from locked rooms, survive elevator catastrophes, dodge spittle from military personnel and most importantly, kill the crud out of the walking dead. Set against the backdrop of real deal Holyfield sets, sounds and special effects, this is a freaky real post-apocalyptic venue. On a scale of one to ten, our fear level is “one hour into a six hour family roadtrip and realizing that we only have 10% phone battery left.” Yeah, that legit.
A rollercoaster of emotions, there’s nothing metaphorical about how much of a B.A. you’ll feel like once you pump the evil dead full of lead. So strap up (with a standard-issued 3D shooter), get sanitized (this is a real thing) and get ready to murk some zombies. Or, if you’re a sissy, you could always just head for the hills.